Monday, August 27, 2018

paper towns movie

I watched another DVD on loan from the library, 'paper towns'. I was drawn to it after seeing that it is a 'coming of age' story, and a road movie, especially the latter. although I will have to admit that it is a weird story. the main character is an enigma, sometimes will disappear for a while. then she appears and decides she needs help on a 'revenge mission', then disappears again. but the guy that helps her still pines for her, and wants to find her before prom. so this is what leads to the 'road movie' part. it works on some level. for one thing, learning the term 'paper towns'. along with mention of woody Guthrie, and a song that name-checks walt Whitman. at first I said the actress playing the enigmatic girl looked a lot like the lead actress in 'the duff' but I checked IMDB and it's not the same actress. there did not appear to be any big-name actors in it, but I don't require that as I care more about the story than name recognition. it explains why I often go see 'art films' such as the ones at the lagoon in uptown Minneapolis.
   not much to report on the job front. near the end of the typical workday I got a call from an agency, but they wanted to low-ball me on the wages so I turned them down. I get tired of having to haggle over wages, and asked them not to waste my time. in the evening I found a movie on TV that I probably hadn't seen since it was at theaters, it was 'not without my daughter', starring sally field. I was able to watch all of it and then go to the open-mic I normally perform at. I spoke of the movie when I was performing, and I was the last one of the night before the show runner sings 'rainbow connection'. usually there is a Kermit the frog doll there as well, but the lady who brings it left early. she had a miss piggy doll this time to go with Kermit, and she even sang this time. it was a love song, and there was mention of how it was an anniversary of meeting the man that became her husband. usually she just stays in the crowd.

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