Friday, August 31, 2018

rasputin and the empress movie

this morning I watched another DVD movie, 'Rasputin and the empress', starring three actors named Barrymore- john, lionel, and ethel. lionel played Rasputin. I was largely unfamiliar with who he was for a while, but pop culture references got me curious. this included 'closer to fine' by the indigo girls, as the song mentions 'poster of rasputin'. and there was a song from Wii dancing as well. there were some fictional characters in this movie, according to the opening credits. it is a black and white movie from the 1930s. hard to know what to say about it other than it covers his life when he was most famous, and this is what other bio-pics do. so it covers when he heals the czar's son, and then ends shortly after he is murdered. I probably learned something from watching this movie, trying to think of what that would be.
    I went back to Walgreen in the afternoon after applying for more jobs. I said I was back as there was just two icons on the disc, and there was to be more than 20 that I planned on posting to facebook. so the employee that knows me got it done for me. I found out he was from out-state (or greater) Minnesota, north of the twin cities, from the white earth reservation. it was in reference to me saying I was from a small town and got to know it well due to delivering pizza.
   also notable was doing more maintenance on facebook. I cleaned out some photos, and I have done it before. if they appeared to be redundant or had no likes then I am more likely to delete them. I added some after getting the disc, and got some likes already. it was mostly people I had performed with recently, as well as seeing a friend perform at the state fair. one of those added was from my uncle's funeral in june and my cousin said it was tough that she no longer got regular calls from her parents, she said it was daily. in the evening I went to sing at a karaoke bar and did 'praying' by kesha. it was a little bit of a wait to go sing as I ended up being part of the final hour of the night.

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