Wednesday, August 8, 2018

hero re-parks car

I went to an open-mic tonight and the lot was full. so I had to park on the street, a few blocks away. I paid for three hours, figured that would be enough time. but we started 30 minutes late, and I was on near the end, so I had to re-park my car just before I went on to avoid a ticket. there were spots in the lot by then. I was brought on by a fill-in show runner, I think this was somebody I called fish noodle, and was called a 'hero'. I asked how, I was told it was due to performing comedy. odd. but sometimes I forget I am around comedians.
   I found ways to stay busy today, starting off with re-arranging some of the items in my comedy souvenir binders. I decided to get more items from the fringe festival into just one binder. this of course was the ones before 2016, the year I had a role. and it meant some of them were in the same sheet protector as non-fringe items, so some separating was needed. I also decided to destroy a few items, wanting to stress quality. this was no doubt true of the fringe shows I auditioned for last year and wasn't picked. I believe in celebrating only the places where I get stage time. so those pages dropped from five to two. since I auditioned for just two shows then decided to be a volunteer.
   the next things I did was get to the fringe offices in the grain belt complex, to pick up the ticket vouchers for the 2 volunteer shifts I just signed up for. the lady there gave me a fringe button as well, since I have now signed up for a total of six shifts. then it was on to Roseville to find an office where a security guard company is. I was given a brochure, now I have more information about the jobs there. of course it was a performer friend that suggested finding their office, after there was no response to my voicemail.
   in the early evening I went to a national night out event near my home. I had a hot dog, some fritos chips, and two cookies. a lady was handing out ice cream coupons, but said, as expected, there were only for the kids and not even she could have one of the coupons. I noticed a table with plenty of books on it, probably all children's books, and one of them was about a kid 'saving baseball'. I got a photo of it, odd title for a book in my opinion. notable about performing tonight was when I went out to the main room to go over my material, and a man playing pool asked me about what was happening. I said it was a comedy show, and I am a comic. he asked to hear my best joke, and paid me $5 even though he didn't think it was funny. but I still will count it as a paid gig, and it will go in an envelope with the others.

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