Friday, September 28, 2018

snappy popcorn

I went to a high school football game tonight and saw how the popcorn was in a bag that said 'snappy popcorn, breda, iowa'. it meant something to me as I am an iowa native, although I didn't know where that town is. I looked it up on Wikipedia and it is in western iowa near carroll, and is under a thousand in population. so that explains why I was unfamiliar with it. but it is a reminder of various popcorn companies in the state.
   oh, well I should probably talk about the game itself instead of just the food and drink I ordered. I did have a hot dog and bottle of water and some cookies as well. I saw forest lake beat north st. paul 40-7. it was 19-7 at the half, north st. paul led 7-6 at the end of the first quarter. they might have scored the first TD of the game, but nothing after it. forest lake won on the takeaway margin, 3-2, although they were already ahead 26-7 by the time they picked up a fumble. so turnovers didn't figure into this game much. a one-sided game wasn't the only thing that made it less fun. the game time temp was 49 degrees, according to an electronic sign just outside the stadium. I am thankful I was wearing a winter hat but I could have brought a warmer coat. this explains why I moved around a lot during the game, as I knew I could more easily shake off the cold this way. somebody recognized me from a karaoke venue there.
   after the game I went home and ventured out again to do karaoke after watching part of the news, mostly 'high school sports wrap' was on by then. there was mention of playing a game in Eagan at the Vikings training facility so I have another idea of where to see a game this season. I guess this is the first game played there. I did one song at the karaoke venue, 'meant to live' by switchfoot. I really liked doing that one as it reminded me of hearing it on my car radio on  Monday morning. I did various things before going to the game. one thing was going to Walgreen and getting a paper and a few other items. I also did more sorting of papers but not too much today. and I ordered two more postcards on e-bay.

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