Friday, September 14, 2018

no business like show business movie

I watched another DVD on loan from the library this morning, it was 'there's no business like show business'. it is from the 1950s, and Marilyn Monroe was a role in it. this was mainly about a family vaudeville act, and how it evolved over the years. the five donahues, the parents and three kids.
   I went into Minneapolis on the light rail this afternoon related to the job offer I just accepted. I figured I had to sign more papers, but they just needed to see my ID's. on my way there I noticed a building still said 'metrodome' on it even though that sports venue no longer exists. but I know this isn't the only place. a sign coming off 35W, as well as a police sub-station at a gas station. guess it is hard to change all of it.
   I went to a football game this evening, Stillwater beat Roseville 20-17 despite trailing at the half, 10-0. Stillwater won on the takeaway margin, 3-2, so this helped. along with a missed field goal by Roseville, it was wide left. after the game I sang some karaoke, but had to go to an alternate place as the first one was too crowded, a Creighton sign was in the background. I sang 2 songs, 'skater boi' by avril Lavigne, and 'champagne supernova' by oasis.

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