Thursday, September 6, 2018

sybil movie

I watched another DVD movie today, 'sybil'. actually it was a mini-series, starring sally field. I had heard about the book for a while, ever since high school. but I hadn't even read the book, it was hard to get past how it was about somebody with 16 separate personalities. I think this is also due to seeing a parody of it on 'Saturday night live'. even though it was hard to watch for a while, I am thankful I saw it. Sybil finds a way to battle her demons. at times I ended up hating it for the same reasons why I hated watching 'mommie dearest' when I was young. since the mom was the villain in both. it took a while to watch both discs. one of them was the 3-hour movie, and the other was the special features. I liked how there was an art display of paintings by Sybil.
   I performed at two shows tonight. one of them is my normal open-mic, and I was thankful to be able to go on early since that made it easier to get to the next one. the second show was the final edition of an open-mic that has been around for 15 years. so it was a big deal that it was ending, like many other shows it was due to the venue closing. I arrived about 30 minutes after its scheduled start, and was number 46. at first it was hard to tell if I would be getting stage time, but fish noodle was the fill-in show runner and he was good at keeping the sets short so more people could perform. so I went on with about 30 minutes before closing. I thanked Stillwater for the stage time. as expected, there were plenty of people that I don't see too often. so I made the most of the opportunity. one of those was big dog. I also talked with others about stage time at their shows sometime soon.

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