Tuesday, May 19, 2020

laundromat vending machine

I usually pass by a laundromat while taking walks in my neighborhood. I stopped in near the end of the walk to look around a little. I noticed there is a vending machine again. there was two, separate for soda pop and snack food, now there is one for both food and drink. I picked up 26 cents during the walk. since I had a dollar's worth of quarters again, I went there later on and bought some chips. I like the TGI Friday's potato skins. they will be eaten this weekend.
   I am also reminded of the call I placed just before starting the walk, it was in response to a bank placing a 'care call' to me over the weekend. I let them know it was the same day I had been there to deposit a check. and I said I hadn't used the ATM lately since I would go there to get beer money for performing. since many businesses were shut down due to the virus, I have noticed how most of my transactions have been cashless. not a big deal to me. and definitely just the essentials, aside from the e-bay orders. I looked at my credit card bill that just arrived and in the past month I bought gas only once. I haven't needed to since I am driving way less.
   I got out the tape measure this evening and it looks like all of the walking has paid off. It looks like I have lost 3 inches from my waist. so the pants fit way better now. I am just hopeful that I can keep it that way. because I have been here before. I was in my employer's weight loss program back in the summer of 2009 and lost 25 pounds, then eventually gained it all back and then some. I am trying to figure out what I have learned from this experience. drinking water more often, and beer way less, sure helps. along with eating less. I guess it is truly 'diet and exercise'. I still like having flavor though, so it means I am having flavored water.
   I ran the shredder, and filled 2 more buckets. I still have some plastic bags I am willing to use, but of course the supply has dwindled greatly. I had meant to get more in the shred box in the evening, but I laid down and fell asleep. when I woke up it was just before 10pm and that meant it was time for the news. I liked seeing the reporting on the st. paul saints doing a 'no-opening day' event this evening. the newscast ended with footage of their fireworks show. their season at this point has been postponed until july 1. it would be nice to attend some games this season, but hard to say how many are possible. probably not as many as last year. it would be nice to see a july 4th game, that might be the first I end up seeing this year. I also liked watching 2 'big bang theory' reruns, after finding out they are doing 2 again in the early evening instead of just one. it was Sheldon and Amy debating Indiana jones and little house, followed by Edison and tesla.
   test scoring flowed well, the moderator just opened up another hour for scoring each day. I guess they want to increase the odds of finishing on time, end of next week. it does remind me of a weird dream I just had, about having another job lined up to start right after this one.

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