Tuesday, May 12, 2020

multi-tasking articles

we made it to another prompt in test scoring today, and the articles to be read and written about cover the subject of multi-tasking. I guess I know something about this as I am multi-tasking when it is not during scoring sessions. I went through the aforementioned envelopes that held letters about memberships I no longer have. in the evening it was back to the box with tourist brochures in it. as expected, it helped to group them by state to get a better idea of what I had. this led to finding a decent number of duplicate brochures to pull out and send to the shred box. I pulled out so much today that not all of it was shredded the same day. I filled two buckets when running the paper shredder. next is likely to be going through the box next to it, holding maps and event programs. it is filled to the brim and there has to be some that can be moved to the adjacent box. I like how the cleanup project is moving right along. it feels good to make decisions about what to keep. after that I can go through the boxes related to writing, and work, as plenty has been added recently. it would be nice to get even more items back into closets, such as the suitcase or some of the boxes. all about looking at what is in there and how to best use the space. simply put, a few things might have to be moved out such as to another closet. but it can be done, especially when I know I can part with many of the magazines I have but no longer subscribe to. after the test scoring day was done I went on a long walk and found 27 cents. I said 'there was a doings' when I was nearing a gas station, and noticed the police had a car stopped. not a big deal, I just detoured a little.

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