Wednesday, May 27, 2020

virtual singing

I usually put myself on mute while test scoring. but there was mention in the afternoon about somebody having a birthday so I was a part of the virtual singing of 'happy birthday'. don't know how well this worked. it sounds like I am one of three that is unavailable next week to finish the project, so it may spill over even further, into Tuesday. but of course it means little to me. I heard from my job coach by email and I responded by saying that test scoring is going great. I am doing fine on the training sets. after test scoring was done for the day I did a long walk and picked up 1 cent.
   I am still working on the cleanup of my home. I finished another box lid, this one had scribblings in it. many of them were placed in the folder marked 'writings', while others were put in the shred box or ripped up. if it was too hard to read then no need to keep it, as it serves no purpose. in some cases I decided to transfer something to another page in order to thin things out even more. I recognized two things written down as both being about 9/11, and those were part of the transfers. one of them said 'Americans will not be intimidated' and the other was 'kill bin boy, go USA'. the former was on a farm building and seen on TV, the latter was written in the dust on the back of a truck I saw while driving to work one day. I spoke of the latter in a letter to the editor, when a suburban Chicago paper wanted to hear from readers one year later. I am pleased with the progress but want to keep going as I can lower the volume even more. there is still a small clear plastic bag full of more scribblings to look at. I am also not too surprised that I found some stray receipts when going through things tonight. in another case it was needing to flip it over to notice it was a receipt, so it went in with the other receipts. I had made a list on the backside, it was CDs I wanted to buy, on the back of a receipt for CDs I had just bought.

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