Sunday, May 31, 2020

obviously laundry

I did laundry this morning, first time in weeks. as I was on my way to the facility, I heard a man on a bench ask another man where I was going. he said to do laundry. that should have been obvious as there was a soap bottle on top of a full basket. it was tough to have to rip up 4 pairs of socks once I brought everything home, but there was holes in them. as I recall, some were due to a pair of winter boots I am no longer wearing. so it likely means the Iceland socks will be used again soon, and I should make a visit to a jc penney when it is possible to get some replacements. while there I turned on my phone and there was a text message waiting for me from my mom, asking if I was all right as she had heard about the riots in the twin cities. I said I was fine, but it was tough to see so many boarded up businesses nearby. in the evening I called my dad and we spoke about the subject a little, since it is on the news in iowa. he tells me there is protests in des moines as well.
   I liked being able to finish grouping of the receipts and filing them in envelopes by subject. I did go out to a holiday gas station to pick up some supplies, but no newspaper was there. I am also trying to get ready for going back to work on Monday, so it meant getting out my lunch bag and filling it as well as getting out the driving directions to the site.

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