Saturday, May 2, 2020

still need a cart

I went to the grocery store in the early evening, less than 30 minutes before closing time. the man in front of me said he needed just one item, and the attendant said he still needed a cart. I said I know I will need one because it is my weekly visit. there was one other time I went out today, it was on a walk to Walgreen to pick up sheet protectors and some tape. I was working on the 'online articles' for most of the day, and I feel it was a productive day. after the late local news I ran the shredder and two more bags were filled. I am at the point where I am fine with looking through an envelope again to get a better look of what is there. and this has led me to get even more in the 'shred bin'. next one would have to be baseball, as it is a thick one. during the walk I picked up 10 cents. I have already deployed 6 of the 10 sheet protectors I bought. no surprise there as I am finding things that belong in the binders. even though I have less to classify, it is harder to know how. also a case of if I keep any of those items. a few of them I read to get an understanding of what it is about and asked myself why I printed it. I also discovered that I had copied some pages from a world book encyclopedia that belongs to my family. guess that is what was around before Wikipedia, and I do have plenty of those articles printed. a few items were printed twice, not sure why. unless I wanted to delete the email and wasn't sure if I had printed it. all I need to do when it is looks familiar- the proverbial 'deja vu' then get them together and compare them to see if they are identical. some of them go back quite a way, before I even moved to Minnesota. some items I want to re-use, such as scratch paper, as I can write down comedy sets on it. I want pages that are blank on both sides though, so not too many fall into this category. but that is fine as I still want to get rid of as much as possible.

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