Saturday, May 23, 2020

spilled lid

I guess it was bound to happen. I was working on the box lid, which is full of old receipts, and I accidentally kicked it and this led to it being spilled. it didn't take long to clean it up though, thankfully. I was near the refrigerator so I wanted to check to see if anything went under it. so it meant moving the fridge out for the first time in a while from its customary spot. and I decided to sweep under it as well. as expected, not much was found, but I am thankful I decided to do this part of the cleanup.
    it felt good to get all of the errand running done on my list, four items. take care of recycle was first, then the bank to deposit a check. then I went home for a little while and worked on the receipts, much like before the errands began. when midday arrived, I walked to the post office and checked my box. two e-bay orders were there. since it was from the same seller, it was in just one envelope. this served as my walk for the day, and I found 12 cents if you count the penny that was under the fridge. not sure how it got there, but it wasn't there for all that long when the date on the coin is 2018. so it was put in the change bank, same as the others. the final errand was grocery shopping, and I did this in the early evening. since I am constantly working on the lid, I am seeing some progress as it is already thinning out noticeably. I am still trying hard to minimize the number that I am keeping. the ones from department stores such as sears and jc penney are being kept, for now. when those are clothing stores I know full well that I go there less often than, say, a gas station or grocery store, and the clothing tends to last a long time. there are plenty from the ATM, no surprise there when I wanted beer money while performing. I have seen some from fedex office, since I would go there to check email if the libraries were closed for the day. but I don't do this anymore as I have had a laptop for a decade. sometimes change is good.

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