Monday, May 18, 2020

tin and glass containers

i realized there was some more containers still empty, one glass and the other tin. so I found ways to fill them. the glass one had golf balls and tees in it. for the tin, battery chargers for my phone and camera is in one, baseballs in another, and my video camera in the third. I like how my kitchen counter has been cleared off some, now just half-full. I went on a long walk in the late afternoon after the test scoring day was done and picked up 98 cents. I said it was a 'bumper crop'. with test scoring we reached another prompt during the second half of the day, and all but one hour was spent on scoring. we have memorial day off next week, no surprise there. but they still felt the need to announce it to make it official.
   I did a virtual open-mic later in the evening. after watching a 'big bang theory' rerun- which ended with howard and amy doing karaoke- I went back to the grocery store because I knew I needed milk. I had hoped the full gallon would hold up but there was an aftertaste when I was drinking it this morning. so I dumped it out. I hated having to do it but didn't want to get sick from sour milk either. I am thankful that I haven't had to do this in a while, and it appeared to be less than a half gallon. while I was there I also picked up some bread, and lemonade. the rerun does serve as a reminder of how I miss performing, including karaoke. but I will do this again when the time is right. I ran the shredder after the open-mic and filled 2 more buckets. I looked at a small bag again from a literary fair in 2015- no not the writer's convention, which was the same year- and some things were pulled out to be shredded. and two postcards were put in a photo album. I liked the illustrations on the cards, as well as the themes. one was about a family vacation, another about animal crackers. I do eat the latter so it meant something that somebody had written about them.

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