Sunday, May 10, 2020

montgomery ward discount card

I continue to make some nice finds while doing cleanup around my home. today it was an employee discount card from the now-defunct Montgomery ward department store. I worked for the signature group, a subsidiary, where they handled the life insurance and auto club. actually it was part of a 'time capsule' I had created, after the news of their bankruptcy in December 2000. there was two cards in there, guess at some point they decided to re-issue it. and since our business was sold to general electric, after a while I think we were no longer entitled to the discount. another notable thing found was football cards, from the 10th anniversary of the Chicago bears winning the super bowl. I bought those during the liquidation sales held in early 2001. I have 6 of the 8 cards, all except walter payton and mike Ditka. I knew I had the coins, but forgot about the cards. so I moved the cards into the album I have for non-baseball cards, next to some other bears cards. most of those were bought at a cheese shop in Wisconsin in the summer of 2015, when I was headed back from my cousin's wedding. I found another magazine from the 'yes club', operated by wards, so I have two. both are now with the other wards items. not sure if I can acquire the other two bears cards, will have to check if they are available on e-bay. there's not much left that I haven't looked at. as expected, it is a good idea to look at everything to be aware of what I have.
   I did some more paper shredding today, four bags were filled. actually I should say buckets as sometimes I am using some smaller bags to scoop up what is there. I want to use as many of those bags as possible, as it is a good way to lower the volume to a more acceptable level. some bags have been put aside, but most are in play now. meaning, under consideration to be used for cleanup. I did a long walk in the late afternoon, and found 22 cents. 'the simpsons' was about homer getting the munchies. it was what I expected to be the first of two episodes, but the 7pm episode was apparently pre-empted by local programming, some type of concert. so I shut it off and went back to cleanup. I am fully aware of how I get more done when not watching TV. so it mainly has been the news, and favorite shows, that I am watching during this cleanup. 

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