Monday, May 4, 2020

zulip chat

and now I am using another online tool I had never heard of until this 'virtual' phenomenon. it is the 'zulip' chat site. this is due to test scoring, which started earlier today. the first day was taking care of 'scripts' and we will get more into 'content training' on Tuesday. I had to call for tech support, then found out it was likely due to missing a letter in the link as to why I wasn't getting in. the moderator kept pointing out every so often how I logged on with video on, but once I was asked to turn it off, and I did right away, I had hoped to have heard the last of it. this was an honest mistake, who wants to keep hearing about it? we also played around with screen sharing, and one note I wrote down was truly how I felt. it means more to me when I am the one doing the task, instead of watching someone else. I signed a security agreement form at lunchtime, we were told the deadline was the end of the day. first time trying working remotely. early on one thing I did was close the blinds. I figured this would help with avoiding distractions.
   this was no doubt a day of transition as I was still doing a little cleanup, ideas I was still getting. in the evening I did run the paper shredder again, after a day off. I filled two more bags. I am still finding a few plastic grocery store bags to use. it helps that I am willing to move a portable CD player to a smaller plastic donut bag. I haven't used this electronics item much lately, so it really doesn't matter what bag I keep it in. I did do a long walk in the late afternoon, shortly after the workday was done, and found 3 cents. along the way I passed by a car repair shop and briefly spoke with the mechanic, who still recognizes me. it was near the end of his workday as well. in the evening I did a virtual open-mic, and as usual it was no problem finding material. some of what is in my set is things from all of these walks I have been on lately. and it was nice to see the flautist perform. we had 10 performers I think. I like how they are giving us a chance to perform, although doing so remotely isn't quite the same. but you do the best you can.

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