Wednesday, May 6, 2020

post-its and staples

in the course of the ongoing cleanup I am still finding plenty of useful things. this includes post-it notes and staples. I know that some of the post-its are from attending a 3M golf tournament many years ago. and now that I am back to test scoring these will get used more than they were. three of them are: a rounded star, a butterfly, and a lady saying she would rather be shopping. as for staples, I figured I was running out since I had been using so many. then I discovered another box, so I still have plenty to use. sometimes there are big gaps between my usage of them. there still might bemore great discoveries to be made. in the evening I ran the shredder and filled two more bags. I am still finding bags to use because I understood that most things were meant to be used. I did move one to the bag of food wrappers from foreign countries, it was from a Canadian drugstore.
   we did get into actual test scoring today, just before midday. I was able to get into our time card system, once I was reminded of what the password was there. it is the typical 'hard to remember' on things I haven't used in a while. or in my case, had hoped I wouldn't be in this role again but the other things I was doing didn't pan out. I did a long walk once the work day was done, and found 3 cents. and I picked up an e-bay order at the post office. odd that I had to go to the window, but it wouldn't fit inside the mailbox even though it was a postcard. then I saw the package and noticed there was cardboard protecting it, so this made more sense.

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