Tuesday, March 26, 2019

campbell's soup, from canada

there was plenty of items up for grabs in the breakroom at the office. one that caught my eye was campbell's soup, chicken with rice, product of Canada. this was just a subtle difference on the label, along with at the top where it says 'Canada' in a circle surrounding a crown. so I had it instead of the soup I had brought, which was chicken noodle. it can wait for another day. other items I picked up were a can of Walmart cola, two tubes of travel size crest toothpaste, and a card that said 'our strategy and vision' as well as 'foundation'. I was told it was a card that could be clipped together with the i.d. badge. I closed 19 cases again, first day of not putting them on my shelf. I also saw an email about choosing shifts once the audit period is done. there are four options, two of them have a shift on the weekend, albeit four hours on a Saturday. I still prefer to avoid weekends, so it leaves the other two that I hope to get. there was 5 of us in the office today, according to I.M. same person from Monday was absent again. a timecard issue was resolved, my stamp-ins were not being accepted and I found out it was best to un-approve my time card. then it went back to saying 'transaction valid' along with a green light.
   I performed tonight, near the end of the show. I got the biggest reaction from the story about the 'hot mess' I met over the weekend. and I was given some information about a show that is starting up this week. I said I still need to figure out the logistics on getting to two shows on the same night. 

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