Sunday, March 10, 2019

great lakes naval museum

I toured the great lakes naval museum today. it took a while to drive up to it in the north suburbs but I had no other plans for the day. and of course it takes longer when I want to avoid the toll roads. but I am good at following the directions from mapquest. I liked that it was free admission, but after the tour I left a donation. I talked with the lady at the front desk before starting the tour, she heard about me being from Minnesota and spoke of touring the home of prince, the musician. the museum was next to the main gate for the naval base. it took about 90 minutes to look at everything. as usual, I learned something as it is a museum. there was mention of how William Wrigley, jr. and his son phillip, from the chewing gum company, influenced the base in its early days. it was after 1pm when I left, and I took a different route driving away from there compared to how I arrived. I got off the road at the first exit when it looked like it was becoming a toll road. I ended up in Evanston and drove past ryan field, the football stadium at the university, then eventually found me a road to get me to des plaines, which was dempster. I sometimes have to rely on memories of living there as to what roads to take. I found my way to the mcdonald's near the site of the former number one museum and ate there. an employee wasn't sure what was happening across the street, it is a construction site now. I also noticed that the nearby des plaines theater is under construction. when I lived in the area I knew about a 'movement' to 'save' the theater, so I know this has been an issue for a while. I drove back to my hotel and laid down for a little while, watched parts of some movies. then it was time to get up and go to the hockey game.
   when I arrived at the arena, I liked seeing a youth orchestra performing in the welcome area. it was 'ring of fire' by johnny cash. this of course was the wolves hockey game in Rosemont. wolves beat the iowa wild 4-1. wolves led 2-0 at the end of the 1st, and 3-0 at the end of the 2nd. I had some pizza and root beer at the game. after the game I wanted to let the traffic thin out, so I walked over to the nearby target store. I found out I was not alone on doing this. by then I saw the traffic cops had locked one gate, so I had to take a different way out of the arena's parking lot. I had hoped to do some karaoke but it was not to be. I went to a pizza place/bar in Arlington heights and an employee said they haven't had karaoke since august. so I just went back to the hotel and drank the rest of my beer that was saved from the night before.

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