Sunday, March 10, 2019

tea and pie

I had some tea and pie when waiting for my flight to leave O'Hare today. also did some massage therapy. I liked hearing the stories of the therapist. I find out that people aren't that much different at all, once you take the time to listen to them.
   I had the time for the massage therapy as I missed my scheduled flight and had to get re-booked. an extra 30 minutes would have been enough. I was trying to make it on time, but things just weren't moving as fast as I had hoped. I had to stop for a freight train in des plaines, a reminder of living in the area, when I was coming back from the park and ride at the Rosemont CTA stop. then I wanted to get a postcard mailed to myself, so it was on to the post office before getting to the rental car agency. I am aware that some of this was on me, as usually I do very little on the final day in town anywhere. I am used to saying that all I do is have breakfast, check out of the hotel, and get on the road. but there was one thing I wanted to see in the city, and it meant taking the train there. it was in doubt for a while as to if I was going to get on a flight, as I was put on stand-by. but I got on the last flight of the night. I could have easily decided to wait on going through security, considering how long I ended up waiting. there was another wolves hockey game, already saw the traffic cops when I passed by the arena when I was on my way to returning the rental car. even though the airport is close to the arena, less than 5 miles, I was unsure of how to get there. I know one time I lived in the area the cabbie cussed out the dispatcher when I was put in his cab as I was a 'short fare'. and it also is a case of being able to get back to the airport in time, as well as where to stash my travel bag while at the game. so it was a 'logistical' issue. but it does remind me of how I may be able to find a way to see two games in the same weekend, as they often have weekends like this. so it is something that I will have to consider for next season. I said that I was afraid I would be out of a job if I didn't make it back home tonight. after not making it on stand-by from one flight, I asked a gate agent what it looked like for the next one. then when I gave my name, I was told I was already booked on it, not sure who had done this for me. I still ended up flying first class on the way home. it was late when I got back, around midnight, and it meant I had to wait longer for a bus to get home. I got the last bus of the night. so I made it, just barely. and it means that some things have to wait, such as some of the chores and errand running, that I was expecting to have enough time to do in the evening. not just dishes, but also getting to the grocery store. since I usually decide to run out of food on purpose when I am going out of town.

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